Georgia Blume Psychotherapy

About Georgia



I work with people seeking help with depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, grief, or the effects of a recent or historic trauma. I also work with people who find the same things keep happening, such as certain behaviors, recurring thoughts and feelings, disrupted sleep or repeated difficulties in relationships. These are all things that can be worked through in psychotherapy. 

I have a wide range of experience that covers private practice, charities and the NHS. I began clinical work at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Hospital in London, where I completed a Masters in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and later in the WPF clinic where I concluded my training. At Lewisham Hospital I worked with people with diagnosed mental health disorders, running group therapy sessions on the wards. I currently work at Compass Counselling Service in Hampshire, and see clients in private practice.

I work with adults of all ages and backgrounds, either face to face or remotely on Zoom.



The therapeutic process can help you reflect on the thoughts and feelings which are difficult to make sense of, and to explore early experiences which are carried forward through life, determining the way you feel about everything.

In time-limited therapy, we can identify a central issue and explore this fully, usually over a period of twelve weeks. But more deep-seated difficulties can take longer, in which case the therapy will be open-ended, and will continue for as long as you need. 

The best thing to do is start with a phone call, followed by an initial consultation, where we can meet and talk through what has been going on, and what you would like from therapy, and then discuss the options.

Consultation: £70 - Consultations are 60-90 minutes
Session: £70 - Sessions are 50 minutes
Supervision: £60 per session



I offer supervision to therapists of all modalities. My approach is to respect the integrity of your own training background and personal approach, while also helping you reflect on clinical material from a psychodynamic perspective.

Supervision fees are £60 per session

Qualifications and Registration

Clinical Qualification in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – WPF London
MA in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy – Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
Working with autism in counseling and psychotherapy – Brighton Therapy Partnership
Seeing strengths in neurodiversity – Autism Oxford
Intergenerational Trauma with particular focus on black identity wounding - WPF


MBACP (Accred) - British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
UKCP registered – UK Council for Psychotherapy
FPC member – Foundation for Counselling and Psychotherapy
BPC member – British Psychoanalytic Council

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I follow the BACP ethical framework, which sets out the expected confidentiality guidelines, values, ethical principles and good practice standards.



I work from The Coastal Practice in Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth, which offers wheelchair access, a discrete entrance, and comfortable, private rooms. 

Mobile number: 07977 552 203


The Coastal Practice,
98 Broadway,